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Isn’t it the most triggering question of this generation? correct me: EVERY GENERATION.

So is yours! That’s why you’re here.

But to my surprise and not yours what I’m writing is not so much about “HOW TO WIN”. I just realized we have enough of that stuff. Its more about the question itself “HOW TO WIN”. Before heading towards the substance, I would like to mention here rather suggest Shiv Khera’s “HOW TO WIN” (for the guaranteed satisfaction of those who actually came here to get to know “HOW TO WIN” and I bet, its more reliable to go for a recommended book instead of idly search google). Don’t trust me. Go and read it. Nothing to lose.

How and why is this question so universal? What does research have to say about this? And the one that intrigues me the most has anyone ever came with an ANSWER to this question? Those who we deem successful do they or can they claim that they have come up with an answer? If it was something to be ingrained, why didn’t naturally come up with a manual?

Questions are natural, don’t you dare think I know the answers!
But…. but…but…wait a sec…. there’s something that I have to offer: People don’t want to win as much as they want others to lose. They say “when chased by a bear, you don’t need to outrun the bear, just your friend.”

Now let’s make some sense (refer to research, I meant). In research conducted at Harvard school of public health, nearly half said they’d prefer to live in a world where the average salary was $25,000 and they earned $50,000 than one where they earned $100,000 but the average was $200,000. Having lived about two decades, this no more blows my mind!

Hope that even if you got nothing from here at least you enjoyed it. Stay healthy!